From James 5:1-6

Despite the title of this section of verses, I don’t think James is opposed to a Christian being wealthy. The problem he addresses here is what someone might do to get their wealth and the priorities they had in their life to accrue their riches.  Ultimately, whatever form wealth takes, it will fade away.  Riches will rot, garments will wear out, currency will lose value, everything eventually turns to nothing.  If the sole focus on your life is to gain those riches, they will turn up empty in the end.  And if you defrauded or cheated others to get your wealth, you will regret it.  Riches are fine, riches being the most important thing is not.  Riches are fine, getting rich by treating others badly is not.

This is true of wealth and of so many other things in our lives.  Many things are fine, but making anything but God the most important things in our lives is not.  Many things are fine, but getting them by treating others badly is not.  We are called and challenged, above all else, to love God with everything in us and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Focus on God

We are reminded in these verses that God graciously gives us gifts that do not fade away.

Function in Our Lives

We are encouraged to love God and love the people around us.

Topics to Pray About                                                               

  • Thank God for the gift of the Gospel.
  • Confess to God the times where you focus too much on things that aren’t Him.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to conform you to Christ.

In His Service,

J. LeBorious