From 1 Timothy 1:3-11

In these verses, there are two closely related pieces of wisdom that Paul relays to Timothy.  First is to make sure people aren’t teaching different doctrine in the congregation and second is to use the Law appropriately.

Paul tells Timothy to avoid different doctrine, devotion to myths and genealogies, and vain discussions. There are some voices within churches that would like to downplay doctrine or reduce confessional identity (how upfront the church is about what it believes).  The Bible would disagree!  Good, faithful doctrine is incredibly important.  Anything less “exchanges the truth about God for a lie” (Romans 1:25). Sometimes that doctrine will offend – because faithful doctrine identifies sin and calls sinners to repentance – but that does not mean we should ignore or downplay it.  Sometimes that doctrine will offend – because faithful doctrine doesn’t let us do whatever we want to do – but that does not mean we should ignore or downplay it.

Paul continues by discussing the appropriate use of the Law.  He notes that it isn’t for the just but for the lawless, disobedient, ungodly, and sinners. That means that the Law is for each and every one of us.  The Law guides our lives, tells us what we should and shouldn’t do, and leads us to repentance.  The Law is part of good, faithful doctrine and makes people uncomfortable – that does not mean we ever leave it behind.

So we seek out leaders in the church who are faithful to the Word of God and to good doctrine – even if that doctrine makes us uncomfortable or challenges us, maybe especially if that doctrine challenges us. 

Focus on God

We are reminded in these verses that Jesus graciously washes away our sins to give us a clear conscience.

Function in Our Lives

We are encouraged to seek leaders who teach faithful doctrine and challenge us when we disobey the Law of God.

Topics to Pray About                                                               

  • Thank God for the Christian leaders in your life.
  • Confess to God the times where you don’t live up to His standards for life, faith, and leadership.
  • Ask God to bless His church with good, faithful leaders.

In His Service,

J. LeBorious