From 2 Timothy 4:9-22

At the end of Timothy, like so many of Paul’s letters, we see a long list of people he wants to greet specifically.  This speaks to the relationships that Paul built when he was in the different places where early churches sprouted.  In fact, if we look at the larger body of Paul’s ministry and the ministry of Jesus and the ministry of the early church, it had an incredibly relational focus.

Today, there is a temptation to take a “just me and God” attitude towards our faith.  We want to put the focus on just our relationship with God and figure as long as we take care of our own Bible readings and devotions that’s enough.  But it’s not just about you and God, it’s about the community.  That’s part of what makes joining a church and being actively engaged with it so important.  We are called to live and believe and grow together as a community, so whenever you can, take the opportunity to build relationships with your pastors and with the other Christians at your church.

Focus on God

We are reminded that God has graciously blessed us with a community.

Function in Our Lives

We are encouraged to be actively engaged in a church.

Topics to Pray About                                                               

  • Thank God for His Church.
  • Confess to God the times where you don’t take the opportunity to build Christian relationships.
  • Ask God to bless His church and its mission.

In His Service,

J. LeBorious

On a non-devotional note, we are now at the end of Timothy.  The written devotions will be going on a short break (the rest of this week and next week) because of my schedule and some professional development I have coming up. Video devotions, podcasts, and other materials are still available at even during this break, so feel free to check those out.