From Joshua 15-19

Readings like these chapters can be challenging for us as modern readers (you’ll notice that I chunked five chapters together today).  We can sometimes fall into a trap of only going to God’s Word for what is useful for us, for what we can learn, for the instructions or promises that God revealed that can apply to our daily lives.  On the other hand, sometimes we can get caught up in things that are interesting but, ultimately, useless – knowledge just for the sake of knowledge.  There is a grain of truth in both extremes.  God’s Word does contain a wealth of knowledge that can and should be practically applied to our lives.  It is also a good thing in and of itself to learn more about God and the truth He passes down to us in Scripture.  If we only look for that which is useful, we miss out on knowing more about our God.  If we only look for that which is interesting, we miss out on applying God’s lessons to our lives and conforming more closely to Christ.

I don’t have much to add to the chapters here.  Israel is distributing the land that God promised to His people after He followed through on that promise.  I would like to challenge you, whoever might be reading this devotion, take the time to sit down today and read these five chapters.  It might not radically change your life, but it has now helped you to practice the discipline of being in God’s Word.

Focus on God

We are reminded in these verses that God’s Word does not revolve around us.

Function in Our Lives

We are encouraged to let God’s Word be what it needs to be, not what we want it to be.

Topics to Pray About                                                               

  • Thank God for His Word.
  • Confess to God the times where you look for only what you need or find interesting in His Word.
  • Ask God to give you what you need to sustain your faith and life.

In His Service,

J. LeBorious