From James 3:1-12

It is much easier to say something than it is to do something.  For an extreme example, I can say that I will run a marathon and all it takes is a few seconds.  Actually running a marathon on the other hand takes several hours by itself, not to mention months of regular training and careful diet.  In these verses from James, we see a similar acknowledgement when it comes to sin.  It is easier to curb sinful behavior than it is to tame the tongue and avoid saying the wrong things, simply because things are easier said than done.  And the tongue can do serious damage to relationships, just like sinful actions can.  James suggests that what comes out of our mouths is a reflection of what is in our hearts, saying that a salt pond cannot yield fresh water.  If our hearts are in the right place, destructive words won’t come out of our mouths.

There are some cultures in the world where in a conversation there will regularly be long pauses (5-7 seconds – and if you don’t think that’s really long, try waiting 7 seconds before responding the next time someone asks you a question) between one person speaking and the next person speaking. That kind of conversational pace allows you to (1) make sure the other person is really done speaking and (2) really think about the words that you are going to say and make sure they align with how God would have us talk to each other.  That isn’t the conversational pace in America though, we might be lucky to have one full second in between speakers.  That doesn’t exactly give you time to think through your words, so what comes out is almost always just an automatic reaction.  So if we want to tame our tongues, we have to make sure our automatic reactions, our instincts, are in line with what God calls them to be.  And we get them there through repeated and consistent exposure to God’s Word and God’s people.

Focus on God

We are reminded in these verses that God graciously used His Word to bless us.

Function in Our Lives

We are encouraged to form our character so that our words reflect our faith.

Topics to Pray About                                                               

  • Thank Jesus for His words of promise while He was here on earth.
  • Confess to God the times where your words aren’t what they should be.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to conform you to Christ.

In His Service,

J. LeBorious