From Joshua 2

As the Israelites enter the Promised Land, Joshua sends some spies to scope out the people and the land.  While they are completing that task, the king of Jericho is made aware of the spies’ presence.  The king sends men to find and capture the spies.  A prostitute named Rahab had taken the spies into her home and when the king’s men approach her about the spies, she sends them on a wild goose chase – even though the spies are under some flax on her roof.  The reason?  She knows that God has given that land over to the Israelites and put terror into the hearts of the inhabitants already there.  They heard about the work that God did for Israel in Egypt and they are rightly terrified.  She saves them and asks that in return they deal kindly with her household. The men leave her with instructions to signal the Israelites during the invasion and promise that they will protect her.  With that agreement in place, she helps them escape the city.  The spies return to Joshua, reporting that the land is ready for Israel to conquer.

Of particular interest here is the other place in Scripture that Rahab is mentioned, Matthew 1:5.  Rahab was the mother of Boaz, an ancestor of King David and of Jesus.  It’s worth asking, what did she do to receive the privilege of being listed as Jesus’ ancestor?  On some level we cannot answer that question, because God could have used Rahab for any number of reasons.  Some potential answers that track with the rest of Scripture point to the grace of God and the importance of faith.  Rahab was provided this opportunity to break from her past and become part of God’s chosen people – and she took it.  She also trusted in God’s promise to give Israel the land, and throughout the Old and New Testament God puts priority on trusting in His promises.  When we read this chapter today, we can marvel at Rahab’s bravery in supporting Israel, we can be reminded of God’s grace, and we can be reminded of the importance of trusting in God’s promises.

Focus on God

We are reminded in these verses that God graciously follows through on His promises.

Function in Our Lives

We are encouraged to behave in accordance with our faith in God’s promises.

Topics to Pray About                                                               

  • Thank God for leading Rahab to do what she did.
  • Confess to God the times where you discount the Spirit’s ability to work through someone because of their past.
  • Ask God to give you wisdom to see where He is working.

In His Service,

J. LeBorious