From 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

Let me tell you a little bit about Paul.  Paul was well educated.  Before Paul was Paul, Paul was Saul and he was a rising star in the temple among the Pharisees.  Paul was a Roman citizen and had access to more education than most.  He would’ve been familiar, at least on some level, with philosophy and rhetoric.  Paul was not a fool, he was ignorant, he was not stupid.

So when Paul writes “I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified,” that is a decision.  He knew more, and he make the intentional move to rely only on the incredible reality of what Christ did.

When we talk about bringing people to faith sometimes we get sucked into gimmicks or strategies or convincing approaches – instead of relying on the incredible nature of what Christ did and the amazing power of the Holy Spirit.  Don’t underrate the power of Jesus’ sacrifice, it’s enough to give us eternal salvation – just imagine the impact news like that can have if we really focus our lives and witnesses around it.

Focus on God

We are reminded in these verses that Jesus was crucified for us.

Function in Our Lives

We are encouraged to focus on what Jesus did for us.

Topics to Pray About                                                               

  • Thank God for His Son.
  • Confess to God the times you get sucked into things that aren’t centered on Jesus.
  • Ask God to bless His people with faithful wisdom.

In His Service,

J. LeBorious