From Joshua 23

Prosperity and peace can present an insidious challenge for our faith. There is a temptation to start to take credit for our success, to start to take God’s blessings for granted, or to forget what God has done for us in the past. In the reading for today, Israel is in the midst of an era of peace and prosperity in the Promised Land.  Joshua records that God had given Israel rest from their enemies and they had settled well into this prosperous new home.  It seems logical and appropriate that Joshua would take this opportunity to gather the leaders of Israel and remind them about their relationship with God. He reminds them to muster their strength and “do all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, turning aside from it neither to the right hand nor to the left.” Joshua also warns them about the influence of the nations surrounding them, the nations that follow other gods, to make sure that their influence does not lead Israel away from worship of the one, true God.

Joshua’s reminds the Israelites of what it means for them to be God’s people, and that call and challenge can still apply to Christians today.  We are still called to live according to the instructions that Jesus left behind, to observe everything that He commanded us.  As difficult as it might be, we are called to be uncompromising when it comes to our commitment to God’s Word.  This is a challenge that takes strength, a strength that we pray for from the Holy Spirit. Joshua’s warning about the influence of the surrounding peoples is also still valuable.  We live in a multicultural, religiously pluralistic society. We should be careful what parts of that we engage with, making sure that nothing we do and nothing we get ourselves involved with will lead us away from our worship of the one, true God.  All of this also comes with the reminder that “not one word has failed of all the good things that the Lord your God promised concerning you.” God’s promises never fail, most notably in His promise of a Savior, most notably in the person of Jesus Christ.

Focus on God

We are reminded in these verses that God graciously follows through on all His promises.

Function in Our Lives

We are encouraged to cling to God’s Word and avoid things that might lead us away from Him.

Topics to Pray About                                                               

  • Thank God for the wisdom of the leaders He chooses for His people throughout history.
  • Confess to God the times where you have failed to cling to His Word and its instructions for your life.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen your commitment to Him.

In His Service,

J. LeBorious