From Joshua 21

In previous chapters, each tribe of Judah was given land to possess and take care of.  The one tribe that didn’t receive land was the tribe of Levi, the tribe of priests.  In this chapter, the Levites receive cities and pasturelands within each of the other tribes’ territories.  They were given cities in this way so that they could continue to minister to all the people of Israel where they were and given pasturelands so that they could sustainably support themselves and their families.  That way, Israelites did not have to go to some central location to connect with a priest of God.

Professional church workers can be compared in some ways to these ancient priests.  There are certainly differences, but there are also some similarities.  For example, God has consistently established local congregations for His people to gather with other believers around them.  These local congregations today support pastors who minister to the Christians gathered in that place.  Having pastors and other professional church workers deployed into these local places (just like the ancient cities of the Levites) gives people a local contact to support their spiritual formation.  God calls men and women into these roles in the local congregations, but today instead of cities we have buildings where congregations meet.  Professional church workers don’t receive pastureland either, but at their installations congregations promise to support and sustain their church workers – to allow them to take care of themselves and their families.  There is a culture present in some parts of Christianity that thinks along the lines of “a church worker should accept not being paid sufficiently because it demonstrates their dedication to the call.” That’s not how God treated the priests of Israel or the church leaders of the New Testament – none of them were getting rich, but God worked through the congregations to make sure they were supported.  God has always made a way for people to connect to Him locally and grow in their spiritual formation, and we trust that He will continue to do so until Jesus comes again.

Focus on God

We are reminded in these verses that God graciously provides local ministries for His people.

Function in Our Lives

We are encouraged to connect with and support our local ministries.

Topics to Pray About                                                               

  • Thank God for putting local ministries into place to support your faith.
  • Confess to God the times where you have taken your local ministry for granted.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to bless the local ministries in your community.

In His Service,

J. LeBorious